Personal Injury Attorney
Get The legal Help You Need
Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. When you have experienced an injury of this nature it is important to contact a personal injury law firm to determine whether or not you have a viable claim. A local, personal injury attorney like Mary K. "Katie" Beaird can help you understand your legal rights. Also, she can guide you through the complex maze of ever changing laws.
How to Protect Yourself if You are Injured:
Physical evidence and the recollections of witnesses and involved parties are crucial both for establishing the liability of the negligent parties, as well as for proving the nature, extent and causation of injuries. In resolving personal injury claims, those in which this critical evidence has been preserved are almost invariably easier to settle and to settle at full value. If the claim proceeds on to litigation, this evidence becomes even more critical as the basis of proof of liability and damages.
Once an experienced attorney takes on a personal injury claim, the attorney will promptly assign staff members and/or professional investigators to collect all the evidence that may be relevant to the claim. The earlier this is done, the better off the case will be. And if the injured person has already begun on his/her own to put this information together, this will get them an even earlier jump on the process.
Leesville Criminal Defense Law Attorney
Let An Expert Take Care of You
Mary K. "Katie" Beaird does not look down on those who come to her in trouble. She understands that you need help, and you need reassurance that your life is not going to be ruined because you may have made a mistake or have been wrongfully accused by the police.
Ms. Beaird is gifted at communicating your position to the Judge, Jury or prosecutor to achieve the best result possible. She does that by listening to you, paying attention to the minute, and often overlooked, details in your case that others fail to notice by being actively involved and thoroughly investigating the circumstances of your case.
Ms. Beaird is aware that different clients require different tactics. She is flexible in her approach to take maximum advantage of the smallest detail in your favor. When it comes to trial, no one is more prepared than she is. Ms. Beaird represents clients in all types of crimes, including but not limited to: DWI/DUI/OWIs, Possession of Narcotics, Burglary, all misdemeanors, Crimes of Violence, Sex Offenses and more.
Call immediately to set up an appointment to meet with Ms. Beaird. She is also open to making visits to meet with clients who are incarcerated to ensure that all information in the case remains confidential.
Leesville DWI/DUI Defense Law Attorney
Put our expertise to work
Mary K. "Katie" Beaird concentrates her practice in representing people like you who have been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol or any other substance. If your future is important to you, don't leave your defense to a lawyer that does not know the processes of handing this type of case. Further, if you are acquitted of your charges, Ms. Beaird is able to take the next step by filing a Civil Rights suit on your behalf. The DWI area of the law is complicated and is in a constant state of change as lawmakers strengthen the penalties for DWI. You need a professional, fully versed in complicated issues such as these.
If you may have had too much to drink and are stopped by police:
Do not answer any questions. The police will use your answers to build their case against you.
You have the right to remain silent. Do so.
Don't be disrespectful or argue with police. They are doing their jobs.
Ask for a lawyer immediately. Then quit talking.
Do not take the field sobriety test. It's up to the officer who thinks you are drunk whether you pass.
Do not blow into the intoxilizer machine. Refuse all tests.
Civil Rights Litigation Attorney
You Can Put Your Trust In Our Experience
Mary K. "Katie" Beaird is a professional, fully versed in complicated issues such as Civil Rights Litigation regarding Section 1983 for excessive force, false arrest, and other police brutality and malfeasance cases. We can help you understand your legal rights and guide you through the complex maze of ever changing laws.
42 U.S.C 1983, the Civil Rights Act, states that anyone who, under the color of state or local law, causes a person to be deprived of rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, or federal law, is liable to that person. To determine if your claim falls under section 1983, two issues must be proven: a person subjected the accuser to conduct that occurred under color of state or local law, and this conduct deprived the accuser of civil rights, liberties, and immunities guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution or federal law. If you have had an issue with the police, have been falsely arrested, or been otherwise deprived of any of your constitutional rights, make an appointment with Ms. Beaird today to determine whether you have a viable case. You can help her make a difference!